Hi tush,
here is a quick way with the
library syntax:
Code: Select all
\tikzset{every edge quotes/.style =
{ fill = white,
execute at begin node = $,
execute at end node = $ }}
\draw[<->] (0,0) to ["l_1 = 2 m"] (6,0) ;
\draw[<->] (0,0) to ["l_2 = 1 m"] (0,3) ;
Commonly metric units are written in upright shape, to distinguish from (italic) variables. There's the
siunitx package that does proper unit typesetting, I use it here:
Code: Select all
\tikzset{every edge quotes/.style =
{ fill = white,
execute at begin node = $,
execute at end node = $ }}
\draw[<->] (0,0) to ["l_1 = \SI{2}{m}"] (6,0) ;
\draw[<->] (0,0) to ["l_2 = \SI{1}{m}"] (0,3) ;
Click on "Run LaTeX here" to see the output.