Fantastic. So there is a proper way to fix itrais wrote:oh, you seem to have changed the first author's first name in the author list. Since its abbreviated to initials, it doesn't matter to you.Upasana wrote:I did a workaround by modifying the first name a bit so that the entry is different and now it prints well.
BTW, the entry in [119] looks like you've added an additional a to the first author's last name (Moustafaa instead of Moustafa). Tryfor that entry: the additional braces around the first author's last name should suffice in throwing the prev/current author list comparator off its scentCode: Select all
author={{Moustafa}, Nour and Slay, Jill},

And I thought I was being smart

Thank you once again. I have modified my bibliography with your suggested tip.