BibTeX, biblatex and biberAuthor name not printing in Bibliography

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Author name not printing in Bibliography

Post by Upasana »

rais wrote:
Upasana wrote:I did a workaround by modifying the first name a bit so that the entry is different and now it prints well.
oh, you seem to have changed the first author's first name in the author list. Since its abbreviated to initials, it doesn't matter to you.
BTW, the entry in [119] looks like you've added an additional a to the first author's last name (Moustafaa instead of Moustafa). Try

Code: Select all

author={{Moustafa}, Nour and Slay, Jill},
for that entry: the additional braces around the first author's last name should suffice in throwing the prev/current author list comparator off its scent ;)

Fantastic. So there is a proper way to fix it :D
And I thought I was being smart ;)
Thank you once again. I have modified my bibliography with your suggested tip.

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