Theses, Books, Title pageskaobook will not build

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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kaobook will not build

Post by wmeyer48 »

I am relatively new to LaTeX, and have been trying to set up the kaomain template which I downloaded from

In trying to follow the instructions from that site:

Code: Select all

% !TEX none
pdflatex main
makeindex main.nlo -s -o main.nls
makeindex main
biber main
I find that pdflatex main fails because the glossaries have not been produced, and makeglossaries will not run because pdflatex failed:

Code: Select all

% !TEX none
[13] (

! Package glossaries Error: Glossary entry `computer' has not been defined.

See the glossaries package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.99 to use them, like this: \gls{computer}.

! Emergency stop.
Is there a way to run pdflatex and ignore the lack of glossaries? Or is there some other solution needed? Running pdflatex again does not resolve the problem, no matter how many times I run it.


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kaobook will not build

Post by Johannes_B »

Define the glossary entry called computer.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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kaobook will not build

Post by wmeyer48 »

Define the glossary entry called computer.
I should have emphasized that this problem is with the unchanged files downloaded with the template. I have so far edited nothing. And being new to the package, was expecting to build the sample before making any changes.

And looking in main.tex, it appears as though the entry is being defined:
description={is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format}
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kaobook will not build

Post by rais »

wmeyer48 wrote: And looking in main.tex, it appears as though the entry is being defined:
yes, well, the definition comes a bit too late. To ensure it's defined before being accessed, just move it -- and the \newacronym macros, too -- into the preamble, i.e., between \documentclass and \begin{document}.

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kaobook will not build

Post by wmeyer48 »

yes, well, the definition comes a bit too late. To ensure it's defined before being accessed, just move it -- and the \newacronym macros, too -- into the preamble, i.e., between \documentclass and \begin{document}.
Thank you! I might have gotten there eventually, but it's a part-time activity for me, and a lot to digest.
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kaobook will not build

Post by max4tex »


when I try to compile the kaobook template, I get a couple of errors, but nothing else.

I tried to open it in studiotex and texmaker editors, but they give the same error messages:

There is called a "kaobook"-style, but it is named "kao" (one of these errors).

A couple of other errors refer to missing styles.

And finaly, I tried to use the that comes with the template, but am getting the same errors, more or less.

The only way to use the template without problems is to open it in

What am I doing wrong? I would like to use it offline and have no chance to do so... Some help?

Thank you a lot!

With kind regards,
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kaobook will not build

Post by max4tex »

Ok, I resolved it by myself (reading a little more in this forum and on other pages):

The problem had to do with missing packages.

When installing the editors (like Texstudio or Texmaker), it seems to be that you will not get all the needed packages necessary for compiling the kaobook template.

I had to install the texlive-full package (ubuntu 20.04) and then everything worked fine out of the box.

Thank you for indirect help!

Ciao Markus
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