LyXtemplate not found

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template not found

Post by heptacle »

I'm using Lyx 2.3.1-1.
I have never used latex and I've used lyx for more than a year but it was just for equation typing.
Now I should learn to use templates to submit a paper but it's very confusing.
I'm trying to make a template for a journal named JGR, and I followed what lyx wiki says (

I think I installed AGU class(?) successfully and I can load the class, but when I try to export the document I cannot export it as pdf. (I have no problem exporting common lyx files to pdf) It says it successfully exported as LyXHTML but I don't see the file.

More important problem is,(or less, if I can make the layout file myself?) the wiki link above says
LyX includes the template file agujournal.lyx (AGUtex.lyx is obsolete).
but when I click File-> New from template, I don't see agujournal.lyx (or agu_journal.lyx)

Can I get some help? Can anybody give me 'agujournal.lyx'?

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template not found

Post by JBClaypool »

Hi! From what I've read, AGUTeX.lyx is obsolete, but perhaps agujournal.lyx might work.
Regardless, I found a link that can help you out. it brings you to a page where you'll copy and paste the code into notepad, then save it with a .lyx extension. ... /templates

You might be able to find agujournal.lyx might be there, as well (you'd have to look in the subfolders).

Hope this helps!
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