Curricula Vitae / RésumésJournal Article Same year - Avoid a, b in the year after ex: 2016a

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Journal Article Same year - Avoid a, b in the year after ex: 2016a

Post by vmgobinath »

I am preparing my resume and I have 3 papers in the same year. In output, I am getting a , b , c after the year like 2016a, 2016b, 2016c.

title = {Effect XXX},
author = {\textbf{ABC} },
year = {2016},
volume = {9 (35)},
pages = {1-5},
journal = {Journal of Science and Technology},
% issn = {2167-9843},

title = {Effect Of },
author = {\textbf{ABC} },
year = {2016},
volume = {4},
pages = {10863-10869},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings, Publisher Elesvier},
% issn = {2167-9843},

ABC. (2016a). Effect XXX.Journal of Science and Technology,9 (35), 1–5.
ABC. (2016b). Effect of .Materials Today: Proceedings, Publisher Elesvier,4, 10863–10869.

I want to avoid a and b after year 2016 in the output file

Please tell me how to avoid a and b in the output file.

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Journal Article Same year - Avoid a, b in the year after ex: 2016a

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

If it's in a CV, why not use bibentry? That way, each entry is treated as an independent entity and won't receive a "key" in the list. You would then use {enumerate} or {renvumerate} (from the revnum package) to list the documents.
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