To this end, I did implement following code in my editor;
Code: Select all
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\begin{center}\subsection*{EXECUTIVE SUMMARY}\end{center}
Dr. Singh has extensive experience in various industries including Academia as well as Computers and Information Technology. Perform rigorous Mathematical as well as Statistical Analysis to drive revenue growth as well as predict customer churn using various modeling techniques. \\
\begin{center} \subsection*{EDUCATION} \end{center}
\begin{itemize}\itemsep0.5pt \parskip0pt \parsep0pt
\item{\textbf{North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.\hspace{3.3in} May 2016}\\
Ph.D. Mathematics.\\
Dissertation: Stability Analysis of Discrete Time Recurrent Neural Networks.}
Can I kindly get help on how to fix it? Help is appreciated.LATEX Error: Something is wrong, perhaps a missing \item
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