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Hello & MacTex question

Post by astroboy »


complete newbie here;

I have a problem -- I have a .tex file from work, maybe ca. 10 years old, now I need to open and get that into a pdf.

I installed MacTeX. Opening the .tex file I get error: "jeep.sty not found".

I can find jeep.sty on the internet. Now the question: where should jeep.sty sit on my mac, so that MacTeX finds it?

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Ijon Tichy
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Hello & MacTex question

Post by Ijon Tichy »


You can always put all file (also sty-files) into the folder of the main-document. For user-wide or system-wide installation of files see: How do I install CTAN packages on Mac OS with TexShop?

BTW: Sometimes very old files (i. e. if the code was already ugly from the beginning) do not compile with up-to-date TeX distributions. In this case, please ask a new question in the right LaTeX (sub)forum.
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Hello & MacTex question

Post by astroboy »

Thanks, it worked!
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