Theses, Books, Title pagesProper way to make frontmatter and backmatter chapters with Legrand Orange

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Proper way to make frontmatter and backmatter chapters with Legrand Orange

Post by AntonVargas »

I'm working on a book using the Legrand Orange Book template, and I need to figure out the best way to make chapters in the frontmatter and backmatter. Standard chapters are based on the following elements:

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\chapter[Short title]{Long Chapter Title}
But for various reasons involving titles, the TOC, numbering, etc., that's not suitable for frontmatter or backmatter. For these, I've found a bunch of things floating around on forums, which include the following:

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\chapter*[Short title]{Long Chapter Title}

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Code: Select all

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textcolor{ocre}{Short title}}
I imagine the answer is some combination of the above, but since I'm not very experienced with LaTeX, I simply can't figure this out.

In short: What code should be used to create a frontmatter or backmatter chapter with Legrand Orange?

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