Theses, Books, Title pagesMasters/Doctoral Thesis Header Issues

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Masters/Doctoral Thesis Header Issues

Post by mgo4107 »

After solving the issue - PAGEBREAK after Chapter - in Masters/Doctoral Thesis with

\chapter{Heading on the page}

% no newpage
\chapter{Heading one the same page}

\chapter{Heading after at least one page break}

%headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header
is not working anymore.

and how can I disable e.g. Chapter 5. Examples in the header.I just want on every "normal" page with exception of TOC, Nomenclature etc.) a line as header separator and just on the right side the page number.

BTW: You can the roman page number for TOC etc. be changed from e.g. ii to II (UPPERCASE)?

Many thanks for your help.
Cheers Michael

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Masters/Doctoral Thesis Header Issues

Post by Bartman »

Please use the code button or the code tags for multi-line source code.

mgo4107 wrote:BTW: You can the roman page number for TOC etc. be changed from e.g. ii to II (UPPERCASE)?
That would also be a topic of its own.


Code: Select all

% source: book.cls
  \pagenumbering{Roman}}% changed
to the preamble.
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