Curricula Vitae / RésumésTwenty second CV -change language

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Twenty second CV -change language

Post by victor-talbot »

Good morning, everyone.

I'm a new user of LateX and I have some troubles. I recently opted my CV with twenty second and it's amazing, but I have one problem. I'm french and I need to translate docs sentences in french.

The about me and the skills with this ligne of code

\aboutme{} i woold like to show A propos
\skills{} witj compétences

I think i have to make a change to the document twentysecondcv.cls but i don't know how. If somenone have the solution i will be really appreciative

Thanks in advance an pardon me for my mystake in english

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Twenty second CV -change language

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Victor,

welcome to the forum!

In the file template.tex, you can find the command \profilesection{About me}, change that to \profilesection{A propos}.

The same in the file twentysecondcv.cls, change \profilesection{About me} to \profilesection{A propos} and \profilesection{Skills} to \profilesection{Compétences}.

I have to admit, that one should never change a .cls file. The better way is to redefine commands in the own document, I just made it now quick and easy, since it's a template to edit and to fill in, and not very customizable, so I don't care too much, since it will only reside in your own directory on your PC.

By the way, you are welcome to visit and to join our partner forum, where we talk about TeX questions in en français.

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Twenty second CV -change language

Post by victor-talbot »


Thanks it worked perfectly :)

I took a look at it.
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Twenty second CV -change language

Post by Mdi3 »

Dear Stefan, Dear all

This is an old subject, but I'm hoping someone is still around and may have some advices for me.

I've modified the twentysecondcv.cls file in order to put Skills in French : "Compétences"
Unfortunately, the accent is not showing properly.

Previously I had this accent problem in the template.tex file and I had added the following line :
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} , it did solve my problem of accent in the template file.
However this is not working for the .cls file.

How can I modify the cls file so that it accepts to show the accent properly ?

Thank you in advance :p

EDIT : Problem solved ! My bad ! :D
I actually added :
somewhere in the twenysecondcv.cls file, and it worked out as a charm :mrgreen:
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Ijon Tichy
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Twenty second CV -change language

Post by Ijon Tichy »

I would suggest to update the (La)TeX installation. Since LaTeX 2018-04-01 UTF8 is the default and you don't need \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} any longer. So if you need it, your (La)TeX installation is older than 2½ year.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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