Curricula Vitae / RésumésReduce space between sections (developer cv)

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Reduce space between sections (developer cv)

Post by wear »

I'm working on my CV and I stumbled upon nice template, I started to update the document with my details, but I have a problem, my jobs descriptions are longer than the initial template text, so I need to reduce the space between the sections and reduce the space between the title and the the rest of the doc so everything will fit in nicely in one page.

I've uploaded the template to overleaf:

To be more specific:

1. I want to reduce the space between the title (developer-name) and the rest of document.
2. Reduce the space between the bubbles section and MyExperience section.
3. Reduce the space between MyExperience and MyEducation.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

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Reduce space between sections (developer cv)

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Does it work to simply change \vspace{-\baselineskip} to \vspace{-1.8\baselineskip} or some such? If not, try putting either \vspace{-1ex} or \vskip -1ex before the minipage in question. If those don't work, try putting \vbox{} in front of the vspace command.
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