BibTeX, biblatex and biberjust print another .bib file

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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just print another .bib file

Post by pacu »

I have a BibTeX bibliography file that I cite from. How can I (just) print the contents of another .bib file in the main text of the document?

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Ijon Tichy
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just print another .bib file

Post by Ijon Tichy »

biblatex/biber allows several \addbibresource commands (and also several \printbibliography commands) in the same document. Only the keys have to be unique.

\bibliography of the old BiBTeX way allows to use a comma-separated list of bib-files instead of only one file.

To print not cited entries you can use \nocite. The command should be explained in most complete LaTeX introductions.

If you need more help, please show a Infominimal working example as you've been already told before.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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