TeXShopPackage pgfkeys Error

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Package pgfkeys Error

Post by jay_singh »

Hello friends,
I'm trying to draw a 2 dimensional matrix, quite simple, nothing so fancy. The only thing I am trying extra is format the first row, (get red colored texts there) as per this code;


[ row 1/ .style={red}]
\node{2}; & \node{3}; & \node{4}; & \node{4}; & \node{3}; \\
\node{0}; & \node{1}; & \node{2}; & \node{3}; & \node{4};\\

I looked at some tikz documentation and it seems I have the required packages. But I am getting following error;

Code: Select all

Package pgfkeys error: I do not know the key 'tikz/ row 1/ .style, to which you passed red and I am going to ignore it.

Can I please get help on how to modify or format selected row/column of the matrix above. Help is appreciated.

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Package pgfkeys Error

Post by Bartman »

Remove the space between the slash and the dot of the style for the first row.

It is less work to fill the matrix with content, if you use the options matrix of nodes or matrix of math nodes. Both options require the matrix library.

Some additional remarks:

pgfplots loads tikz. If you are using an up-to-date version of pgfplots, then you can use compatibility level 1.17.
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Package pgfkeys Error

Post by jay_singh »

Appreciate your advice. Removing the space works.

Couple of questions I had with the remarks you suggested;
First, if I load pgfplots using \usepackage{pgfplots}, then does it automatically load tikz package also. Can you kindly explain?

Second, you mentioned that it is better to use compatibility level 1.17 if pgfplots is up todate. May I know how can I check the version of pgfplots in my texshop settings?

Third regarding importing matrix library, isn't that essentially what I have in my preamble;

Kindly let me know if I'm missing sth here. Or is there a better way to import matrix library. Your suggestions are welcome.

Your help is appreciated.
Posts: 366
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:39 pm

Package pgfkeys Error

Post by Bartman »

The necessary information about TikZ and the compatibility level is explained in the pgfplots documentation.

I mentioned the matrix library as a precaution, because some users overlook the fact that parts of the source code need at least one specific TikZ library.
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