General"Command \@xhline has changed"

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"Command \@xhline has changed"

Post by fhrttn »

I have changed my pc and installed full package of latex "texlive-full". But when I ran the code I got the error as follows

Code: Select all

Command \@xhline has changed.
Here is the first part of the tex file

Code: Select all

%singlelinecheck=false % <-- important
This tex file is working on my old pc. What is the problem ?

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"Command \@xhline has changed"

Post by rais »

\@xhline is defined by the LaTeX kernel and checked by the array package (before it tries to redefine it), AFAIK.

You could try to load it earlier (to see if one of the other packages you're loading is redefining \@xhline), and you could try one of the standard classes.
If you get the same error with

Code: Select all

please show us the log file of running that.

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