LyXWhy is LyX not on Github?

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Why is LyX not on Github?

Post by user34127 »

In my very limited experience, GitHub is a great platform for organizing a software project and keeping track of discussions and so on. It also seems to be the standard platform for virtually all projects now, no? Is there a reason LyX is not managed on Github? It appears their discussions are managed through a listserv. That sounds pretty hard to organize.

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Why is LyX not on Github?

Post by Johannes_B »

If you know about the mailing list, why don't you ask there? Your question is off-topic here.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Why is LyX not on Github?

Post by scottkosty »

@user34127 If there is a volunteer to take care of the transition, I think it could be considered. You can see previous discussion on this topic at ... Although it's not a big issue, note that I personally would prefer GitLab (one thing I like is that they allow LaTeX in the issue discussions) over GitHub.

In any case, as @Johannes_B mentions, if you would like to continue this discussion please follow up on the lyx-devel mailing list.
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