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Solved button

Post by Maksi »

Practically every thread addresses a LaTeX-related problem and often enough the thread titles a clear enough. It would be cool, if there was a “Solved”-button that the thread starter or mods and admins could click to see in every sub-board if the problem addressed was solved or not. This could help people wanting to look for solutions first before posting. However, I do not know whether phpBB 3.x already supports something like that (or whether there already is an extension).
A Humanities user of LaTeX :)

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Solved button

Post by localghost »

Many thanks for this suggestion. I guess Sven as the administrator will try to translate that into action if possible. For the present you could edit your initial post of this thread and choose the green checkmark from the icon list to see if this is suitable for you.

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Re: Solved button

Post by Juanjo »

There is, however, a little objection. Up to now, all threads are open. Everybody can bump an old thread to ask for issues similar to that of the opening post. So, the same thread may deal with solved and unsolved questions. Suppose that a "solved" button is added. I wonder if threads marks as solved should be locked (by the moderators, for example). If not, the presence of an "official" solved mark may be confusing, since the thread may still contain an open issue.
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Solved button

Post by Maksi »

Juanjo wrote:There is, however, a little objection. Up to now, all threads are open. Everybody can bump an old thread to ask for issues similar to that of the opening post. So, the same thread may deal with solved and unsolved questions. Suppose that a "solved" button is added. I wonder if threads marks as solved should be locked (by the moderators, for example). If not, the presence of an "official" solved mark may be confusing, since the thread may still contain an open issue.
You have a point there. Also, LaTeX community could become too much something like a helpdesk. I guess it is okay the way it is. My idea was just a little suggestion.
A Humanities user of LaTeX :)
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