Text FormattingText on the right side of page but left justified

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Text on the right side of page but left justified

Post by sheenshahid »

You are saying right. By copying same in new file its good one and has same image like you. But one i copy [aste in my thesis file it has this bad image
Ijon Tichy wrote:I cannot reproduce this. With the shown code and up-to-date TeX Live 2019 I get:


BTW: epsfig is a LaTeX 2.09 compatibility wrapper around graphicx. I would recommend to use graphicx (and its command \includegraphics) directly instead of epsfig.
Last edited by sheenshahid on Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Ijon Tichy
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

Text on the right side of page but left justified

Post by Ijon Tichy »

It is very hard to follow what are new statements of you and what are quotes. Please do not quote whole postings of others. And please do not format a new statement as quote. Please, quote only those parts you want to comment. And please avoid postings that consist in quotes only. BTW: Maybe reading the BBCode help page would be a good idea.

If I understand you correctly, the image you've shown is not a result of the code you've shown. But in this case, we cannot help, because we need a Infominimal working example to reproduce the problem, analyze it and find a solution.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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