Conversion Toolsextract highlighted annotations from pdf and place in LaTeX document

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Mark Leakos
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:44 am

extract highlighted annotations from pdf and place in LaTeX document

Post by Mark Leakos »

I'm using Zotero on Fedora 31 system. I am just learning about LaTeX.

What I'm Doing
I am reading a thousand PDFs of cancer research articles.
I highlight with 5 different colors. Main headings with red (for example), subheadings with blue, main topic of a paragraph with pink , subject of an important sentence with orange and the object of an important sentence with green.
Now, after this the PDF is saved in its regular spot in Zotero.

What I have been doing
I have zotfile which extracts the annotations as text but it treats everything the same with date and time of annotation as well as a reference so I end up with forty lines all out of context (and often out of order as well) with a lot of superfluous information.

What I want
I want a Summary of my PDF annotations formatted in a LaTeX document:
The title of the pdf would be a section heading, red highlighted text would be a subsection, blue would be a subsubsection, pink would be a line of text, orange would be a new line of indented text, and green would be imported as a double indented new line of text.

Any suggestions much appreciated.
(btw, the Better Bibtex add on in Zotero works well with LaTeX and there is no problem setting up a bibliography in LaTeX from Zotero.)

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extract highlighted annotations from pdf and place in LaTeX document

Post by Johannes_B »

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