MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsHow to keep the group heading in glossaries with the first entry in the group?

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How to keep the group heading in glossaries with the first entry in the group?

Post by eezacque »

In a document with glossaries set in multicols, it often happens that the heading of a group, say 'A', ends up on the bottom of a column, while the first member of the group, say 'Albert', sits at the top of the next column. Is there any remedy?

An example:

Code: Select all


\usepackage[a4paper, textheight=5in]{geometry}










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How to keep the group heading in glossaries with the first entry in the group?

Post by eezacque »

Ulrike Fischer sorted this out at usenet group comp.text.tex:

Code: Select all

\makeatletter \newcommand\indexheaderspace{\par\nopagebreak\vskip 10\p@
\@plus 5\p@ \@minus 3\p@ \relax\@afterheading}
\makeatother \renewglossarystyle{indexgroup}{%
    \item \glstreegroupheaderfmt{\glsgetgrouptitle{##1}}%
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