Hi all,
I have just prepared my article to submit in AGU: solid earth journal. the manuscript has written using AGU latex templates. my problem is that the text, tables, and figures are not arranged as required by the journal in which I must put the figures at the end of the document. the figures are embedded in their true place, as I want to be in the final version.
Are there any options in the latex template files that arrange the document as required below:
Title page including authors’ names and affiliations
Key Points
Abstract and Plain Language Summary (required for some journals)
Text (including appendices) and Equations
Acknowledgments and Data Availability Statement
Supporting information (e.g., graphs)
Articles, Essays, and Journal Templates ⇒ How to rearrange figures as required in the AGU journals template
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How to rearrange figures as required in the AGU journals template
Try the
endfloat package, which was designed for this purpose.