Graphics, Figures & TablesLongtable hide column

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Longtable hide column

Post by fhrttn »

With the longtable package how can hide a column, I used H and it gave me error. Also I want to ask about longtable caption, It appears in all pages that the table exist on. How can I change it e.g "Table 1 Continued" in the pages after the first page. Thanks in advance

Here is the sample

Code: Select all

% header and footer information

N&  Q $& Ex & T & D\&K & R & H& S& B& DM1& DM2\\

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Ijon Tichy
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Longtable hide column

Post by Ijon Tichy »

These are two questions (and it is almost ever better to ask two questions if you have two questions instead of mixing two questions into one).

The answer to the second one is: Read \endfirsthead in the longtable manual.

Question to the first question: Can you show us a Infominimal working example example, that also give us information about the definition of the (usually unknown) column type H?
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Longtable hide column

Post by rais »

I guess that's just it---an H column is not specified.
If I had to create one, I'd do like

Code: Select all

one & two\\
three & four\\

one & something & two\\
three & not visible & four\\
then again, I wouldn't put a column into my table I don't intend to use...

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Longtable hide column

Post by fhrttn »

Hiding column with H is worked. I will read the manual of longtable for the second question.
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Longtable hide column

Post by rais »

Come to think of it,

Code: Select all

would be even easier.

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