Community talkCan a private message be deleted before i read it?

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Can a private message be deleted before i read it?

Post by dedec0 »


today, i discovered a false positive of spam: a message from that i received a private message. I saw only its subject in the email, and the link where i could read it. But the link does not open anything¹, and i have no PM in my account. Is this possible? Why i am not the only person who can delete my PMs?

¹ The link open a page that says "Private message could not be found."

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Can a private message be deleted before i read it?

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi dedec0,

Yes, a PM can be deleted by a team member by deleting the user account, that sent the private message.

On Friday, a user sent spam via PM to many (all?) users of The user was deleted along with all the spam.

I am sorry for the confusion.

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Can a private message be deleted before i read it?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi dedec0,

I confirm, we sometimes get spam and delete that as soon as we see it. We delete the whole spam user account with the setting to automatically let the forum software delete their posts and messages. Moderators don't have read access to private messages, even I as admin don't have it by this software but would have to use a database tool if really needed such as based on a serious complaint.

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Can a private message be deleted before i read it?

Post by dedec0 »

Ok, maybe that was my situation. Thank you both for your attention.

Thank you for your explanation, Stefan. (:
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