XeTeXGenerating small business cards

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Generating small business cards

Post by bartzmc »

Based on https://www.overleaf.com/latex/examples ... nhcjvkvcfd

I'm trying to implement a project that would generate small business cards based on a csv file.
I created a code similar to here:

https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions ... s-in-latex

That is, compiling one business card to the first.pdf file, and for the next compilation inserting it into the second page so that you can cut them according to the pattern. It's a two step process. I want these small business cards to be generated straight away from the file. I want to achive only second side of my file and in addition not only one person's business card but one by one each line from the file. But not necessarily, I care more about small business cards, it can be one person's data.


Data.csv looks like:

Code: Select all

{Helena Doe},subtitle,Division,Employer,Job Title,Speciality 1,Speciality 2,Speciality 3,https://fqdn/,helena@univ.edu,hxr42@gmail.com,+1 123 456 7890,425B 030A B8D2 0316 CA1B 4709 CA83 5DDA EC31 CA56

My code:

Code: Select all


\setstocksize{55mm}{85mm} % UK Stock size





%% These packages only for typesetting the instructions







%% For each line in namelist (which was loaded from data.csv), 
%% output the following text (with mailmerged field values)
    %% Map each column header in your .csv file to a command
}{%%%  Start designing your output text! 
  %%%  Mailmerged field values can be inserted using the commands
  %%%  you've just mapped above.

    \tiny\mbox{}\Subtitle \hfill {\color{gray}\Division{} / \Employer}\\ 
            % The MECARD format is used to exchange contact information. More information at:
            % https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/service/developer/make/content/barcode/function/application/addressbook/index.html
\psbarcode{MECARD:N:\Name;URL:\Web;EMAIL:\EmailOne;TEL:\Mobile;NOTE:GPG key fingerprint: \GPG;}{eclevel=L width=1 height=1}{qrcode}
            % \hspace{5mm}\mbox{}\SpecialityOne\\
            \mbox{}\SpecialityThree \vspace{2mm}\\
                {\color{gray}email}: & \EmailOne    & \\
                {\color{gray}mobile}:& \Mobile      & \\
    \texttt{\fontsize{2.84mm}{3.55mm}\selectfont \GPG} % GPG KEY ID

\eject \pdfpagewidth=210mm \pdfpageheight=297mm

 {\imgline} {\seperatorline}
 {\imgline} {\seperatorline}
 {\imgline} {\seperatorline}
 {\imgline} {\seperatorline}
 {\imgline} {\seperatorline}}

Last edited by bartzmc on Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Generating small business cards

Post by rais »

You could try putting the card in a box, say

Code: Select all

{Helena Doe},subtitle,Division,Employer,Job Title,Speciality 1,Speciality 2,Speciality 3,https://fqdn/,helena@univ.edu,hxr42@gmail.com,+1 123 456 7890,425B 030A B8D2 0316 CA1B 4709 CA83 5DDA EC31 CA56
{Jane Doe},subtitle,Division,Employer,Job Title,Speciality 1,Speciality 2,Speciality 3,https://fqdn/,jane@univ.edu,hxr42@gmail.com,+1 123 456 7890,425B 030A B8D2 0316 CA1B 4709 CA83 5DDA EC31 CA56
\usepackage[left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}
\setmainfont{Universalis ADF Std}

%% For each line in namelist (which was loaded from \jobname-dat.csv), 
%% output the following text (with mailmerged field values)
\DTLforeach*{namelist}{% Map each column header in your .csv file to a command
  \Name=Name, \Subtitle=Subtitle, \Division=Division, \Employer=Employer,%
  \JobTitle=JobTitle, \SpecialityOne=Speciality1, \SpecialityTwo=Speciality2, \SpecialityThree=Speciality3,%
  \Web=Web, \EmailOne=Email1, \EmailTwo=Email2, \Mobile=Mobile, \GPG=GPG%
      \tiny \Subtitle \hfill {\color{gray}\Division{} / \Employer}\\ 
          \psbarcode{MECARD:N:\Name;URL:\Web;EMAIL:\EmailOne;TEL:\Mobile;NOTE:GPG key fingerprint: \GPG;}{eclevel=L width=1 height=1}{qrcode}
%            \begin{Spacing}{1}%
              \SpecialityThree \vspace{2mm}\\
%            \end{Spacing}
              {\color{gray}email}: & \EmailOne\\
              {\color{gray}mobile}:& \Mobile\\
      \texttt{\fontsize{2.84mm}{3.55mm}\selectfont \GPG} % GPG KEY ID
I may have thrown out a bit too much from the code, but hey...
The font you used I don't have on this machine, I opted for a font that ships with TL'18 instead.(that's not part of my
I renamed the csv file, because the filecontents package lets the filecontents environment overwrite any existing file with the filename given to this environment (to be able to make changes from within the .tex file)---in short, I didn't want to overwrite your data.csv by accident;-)

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:15 pm

Generating small business cards based on a csv file

Post by bartzmc »

Thank you for this solution.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:53 am

Generating small business cards

Post by victorpatrick123 »

This is very useful.
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