I am using Vim-Latex as an editor and have a curiosity on how to enable the automatic inclusion of the nomenclatures I have defined in a file test.tex, by simply running \ll.
Right now, after running \ll I have to explicitly write (as explained in https://latex.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27292 ) the following colon command in vim:
:! makeindex test.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls
So it all works fine, except that....
on the page http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/docume ... tiple.html it is written that setting the option
let g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats='pdf'
After running \ll on my test.tex, a test.nlo file is created, but the resulting pdf does not show the nomenclatures. I wonder whether it is strange that setting the option above does not properly handle this .nlo file by calling makeindex in a proper way, as it is supposedly able to do with .idx files. Also, can modifying the .vimrc file in some way resolve this issue?
PS I am new to this forum, great platform!
PPS So this is my first post, feel free to comment on the contents and relevance it for future improvements.
Thanks for the help!