GeneralLabel above (automaton) node exhausts memory

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Label above (automaton) node exhausts memory

Post by mushishi »

Hello everyone,

I have narrowed my problem to the following MWE:

Code: Select all

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm,auto,sloped]
                \tikzstyle{initial} = [initial by arrow,initial text = {}]
                \node[state,initial,label=below:$\{a,b\}$] (q0s0) {$\langle q_0, s_0 \rangle$}; % this is where the problem occurs
                \node[state,label=below:$\{a,b,c\}$] (q1s3) [below of=q0s0]  {$\langle q_1, s_3 \rangle$}; % same problem here
                (q0s0) edge node {} (q1s3);
Regardless of how much I increase the memory available to texlive (2017), texstudio (2.12.10) keeps complaining with the following error:

Code: Select all

TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]. ...node[state,initial,label=below:$\{a,b\}$]
I also tried increasing all resources explicitly mentioned in the error message, such as input stack, param size, save size.
Even if I create a new document containing only the transition system from above, I still get the same error. OTOH, as soon as I remove the labels above the nodes, the error disappears.

Any ideas?

stack memory automata

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Label above (automaton) node exhausts memory

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

It's probably a parsing issue of the label text with options. It is ok when the label is grouped (protected) by braces:

Code: Select all

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm,auto,sloped]
  \tikzstyle{initial} = [initial by arrow,initial text = {}]
  \node[state,initial,label={below:$\{a,b\}$}] (q0s0)
    {$\langle q_0, s_0 \rangle$};
  \node[state,label={below:$\{a,b,c\}$}] (q1s3) [below of=q0s0]
    {$\langle q_1, s_3 \rangle$}; 
    (q0s0) edge node {} (q1s3);
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Label above (automaton) node exhausts memory

Post by mushishi »

This was the correct solution, thanks.
The tikz manual does mention curly braces for label in chapters 3.9 and 13.9, but only when specifying additional options before the label position.
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