Articles, Essays, and Journal Templatesfootnote in ACS journal

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footnote in ACS journal

Post by sanazpanahandeh »

Hi All,

I have problem adding footnote in the first page of ACS journal's template. I want to add asterisk to the first two authors and then in the footnote mention that these two authors contributed equally. I tried many ways, but the footnote is always created in an empty page before the abstract!! I don't know how to change or what to add to ACS journal's template to make it possible. Does any of you have any experience with this template?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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footnote in ACS journal

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

There was no answer yet, perhaps because there was nothing to work on. Can you perhaps post code that you tried? (Infominimal working example) I read that you tried it. Otherwise it's just theory.

Best regards,

Stefan admin
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