Theses, Books, Title pagesProblem with bibliography

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Problem with bibliography

Post by vicentear »

Hello everyone

I'm using the template Masters/Doctoral Thesis by Vel and I'm having troubles with the bibliography.

First, the option backref is not working properly. It gives the correct number where the citation was called, but the hyperref is broken, it goes to the wrong page. For instance, if I have a citation on page 15, this option gives the correct page numbering, but the hyperref goes to the page 15 of the PDF instead of the proper one in the text.

Second, I would like to change the style of the references. I would need only the last name of the authors, with the name abbreviated (A. Einstein instead of Albert Einstein, or P. A. Dirac instead of Paul Adrien Dirac). I would also like to remove all kind of DOI, ISSN, etc. that the code is reproducing. Only the name of the journal, number of the original paper and year. In short, I would need to reproduce the style of a physics journal.

Finally, if I try to compile the latex code with a latex compiler, it does not recognize the bib file. I don't have any problem with Overleaf, it works perfectly, but the same code compiled with mactex of mikitex does not give any bibliography output (I cannot use Overleaf because the text is too long and I exceed the computation time).

I'm sorry for this long post, but as you see I have several issues with the bib file. I really appreciate your answers. I have attached a short example of my problem. Thanks in advance.
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Problem with bibliography

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

I think I managed to figure out what you're talking about with respect to the hyperlinks (despite the fact that the example you attached doesn't even have 15 pages). The solution is to leave out "hypertexnames=false"; commenting that line out fixed the broken targets for me.

To get a physics-style journal, try using the revtex4-1 styles with BibTeX; using \bibliographystyle{apsrev4-1} will give you a style like the American Physical Society. There is also iopart-num.bst from the Institute of Physics, which would look like IOP journals (e.g., JPCM). You would remove the BibLaTeX commands if using those and revert to BibTeX. I don't know off the top of my head what the BibLaTeX file/commands/etc. would be to replicate those styles, but you could easily just avoid using BibLaTeX because you already have the style file.

You do not run LaTeX (or anything else) on the .bib file. Those contain information read by BibTeX (or Biber), but you run BibTeX on the .aux file and Biber on the .bcf file.
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Problem with bibliography

Post by vicentear »

kaiserkarl13 wrote:I think I managed to figure out what you're talking about with respect to the hyperlinks (despite the fact that the example you attached doesn't even have 15 pages). The solution is to leave out "hypertexnames=false"; commenting that line out fixed the broken targets for me.

To get a physics-style journal, try using the revtex4-1 styles with BibTeX; using \bibliographystyle{apsrev4-1} will give you a style like the American Physical Society. There is also iopart-num.bst from the Institute of Physics, which would look like IOP journals (e.g., JPCM). You would remove the BibLaTeX commands if using those and revert to BibTeX. I don't know off the top of my head what the BibLaTeX file/commands/etc. would be to replicate those styles, but you could easily just avoid using BibLaTeX because you already have the style file.

You do not run LaTeX (or anything else) on the .bib file. Those contain information read by BibTeX (or Biber), but you run BibTeX on the .aux file and Biber on the .bcf file.
Thanks for your quick reply. Commenting out the line that you mentioned has fixed the problem. Now hyperlinks work perfectly. I have found that biblatex has some default styles, one of them being nature. I have managed to get some nice results, but I would like to prepare my style (mainly, writing the name of the article in italics, an option that is not considered by any style). Do you have any clue about how to do that?

Thanks for your help
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