Fonts & Character SetsHow to set single space and font size 12?

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How to set single space and font size 12?

Post by yaozhao »

Code: Select all

Am I correct?

Many thanks in advance!

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Ijon Tichy
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How to set single space and font size 12?

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Usually single spacing is defined as font size + normal leading. So it would be simply

Code: Select all

This is single spaced text: \blindtext
By default, package setspace interprets it the same.

But no rule without exception. So, we do not really know, how someone else would interpret “single spacing”.

However, if you want so setup a smaller leading, package leading could also be useful. However, you should note, that removing the leading completely could result in unequal line spacing of paragraphs because of superscripts of footnotes or height and depth of inline math.
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