Fonts & Character SetsLooking for a font that matches fontawesome's hashtag

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Looking for a font that matches fontawesome's hashtag

Post by arobase »

I'm not very familiar with font, so parsing the catalogue is no substitute for trying, which would be tedious for every font. The first example would be fine if `foo`'s was more "awesome". In the second example, the hashtag is too meek. Any suggestion?

Code: Select all



\faHashtag {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont\bfseries \em foo}

 {\fontfamily{qcr}\selectfont\bfseries \em \# foo}

Screenshot from 2019-10-01 06-25-21.png
Screenshot from 2019-10-01 06-25-21.png (1.77 KiB) Viewed 2446 times

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Looking for a font that matches fontawesome's hashtag

Post by erwann »

With a bit of trial and error I much prefer the second approach, as awesome is "rigid" (always looks bold whether `bfseries` used or not). So, this question is void. The only thing to do is to bind the hashtag with the remainder like this: `\#foo`.
x_86 / Linux Mint 18.3 / texlive 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 / TeXworks 0.5r1361 (Debian)
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