I've been using LaTeX for a few years now, and I've been looking into writing a math textbook using it. I found the Kaobook template tonight, and tried compiling it in TeXStudio (after running compileall.sh), but I was given the following error messages, most notably the first one:
Code: Select all
Unknown option `nomencl=false' for package `scrhack'. \KOMAProcessOptions
fixltx2e is not required with releases after 2015(fixltx2e) All fixes are now in the LaTeX kernel.
Typearea changed!(typearea) You should do this only at preamble, because only(typearea) \begin{document} calculates output dimensions!(typearea) Trying to calculate new output dimensions, but(typearea) this is only a dirty hack
Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' in size <10.5> not available(Font) size <10.95> substituted
Hyper reference `bhfn:0' on page i undefined
Typearea changed!(typearea) You should do this only at preamble, because only(typearea) \begin{document} calculates output dimensions!(typearea) Trying to calculate new output dimensions, but(typearea) this is only a dirty hack
Strangely, even after these errors, a correct-looking main.pdf popped out after two compiles.
More strangely, Overleaf did not have this problem and compiled everything just fine.
Has anybody else run into this issue and/or have a suggestion for how to fix it? I'm not a beginner with LaTeX, but I'm not an advanced user either.