XeTeX{xe|lua}latex + svmono + newfloat + biblatex = ↯

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{xe|lua}latex + svmono + newfloat + biblatex = ↯

Post by user49915 »

Running xelatex or lualatex on

Code: Select all

\documentclass{svmono}%%% V 5.6 from http://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/book-authors-editors/resources-guidelines/rights-permissions-licensing/manuscript-preparation/5636
spits out the following error:

Code: Select all

! Package biblatex Error: Patching \addtocontents failed.

See the biblatex package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
What would be a (permanent) bugfix?

The maintainers have been informed via an e-mail. Though, I'm not sure whether they'll read it; ; Springer rejects my e-mails on the SMTP level. (How about boycotting Springer for their "friendly" and "welcoming" attitude towards supporting typesetting and scientists in general?)
If they read here, they are kindly asked to feel free to provide a bugfix. (Of course I know that newfloat has not been designed to work this way, but, if we say this, we would have to admit that, broadly speaking, all of (La)TeX itself is one big hack and has been used beyond its limits for ages....)

Crossposts: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... t-biblatex , http://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption/issues/58

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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{xe|lua}latex + svmono + newfloat + biblatex = ↯

Post by sommerfee »

Fixed with commit https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/capt ... 6a1103d60b

I will push a new version of the "caption package bundle" to CTAN soon; in the meantime please use https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/capt ... wfloat.sty as replacement of the old newfloat.sty.
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{xe|lua}latex + svmono + newfloat + biblatex = ↯

Post by user49915 »

First, thx. Second, https://ctan.org/pkg/newfloat still says "Version 1.1 2013-04-27" as of today (though the files themselves seem to be new.)
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{xe|lua}latex + svmono + newfloat + biblatex = ↯

Post by sommerfee »

I will re-upload the "newfloat" package as a separate package in the next weeks anyway (since it's independent of the "caption" package). This way the information about the newfloat package should be updated on CTAN.

New URL of the repository: https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/newfloat
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