Page LayoutPage footer code

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Page footer code

Post by ciema7 »

Hello Community,

I need some help with my page footer. Is there a way to add a dot after the number of each sections in footer ?

I would like to also know how to achieve the effect with no number in footer. I tried to use command:

Code: Select all

But as the result I receive multiple time phrase: "TABLE OF CONTENTS" insted each sections name.

Can anyone help me?

This is my code:

Code: Select all

\usepackage[foot=1.25cm,head=\baselineskip, headheight=12pt, marginparsep=2mm ]{geometry} 



\fancyhead[RE,LO]{Zadania i rozwiazania}



	\newpage\section{rozdzial pierwszy}
	\newpage\subsection{podrozdzial pierwszy}
	\newpage\section{rozdzial drugi}
	\newpage\subsection{podrozdzial jeden}
	\newpage\section{rozdzial trzeci}
	\newpage\subsection{podrozdzial o pierwszym numerze}

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Ijon Tichy
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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

Page footer code

Post by Ijon Tichy »

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thesection. #1}}{}}
should do it.

Another suggestion would be to switch to a more flexible class:
  automark,headsepline=2pt,footsepline=1pt,% options to scrlayer-scrpage
\usepackage{inputenc}% inputenc without option makes not sense with LaTeX from 2018/04/01
\usepackage[foot=1.25cm,head=\baselineskip, headheight=12pt, marginparsep=2mm ]{geometry} 

%\usepackage{parskip}% Don't use it with scrartcl, use class option parskip.
%\usepackage{array}% Useless, because already loaded by tabularx

%\usepackage{scrextend}% Not needed, because you are now using a KOMA-Script class.

% Using scrlayer-scrpage instead of fancyhdr. The package is already loaded,
% because of option "emulatestandardclasses". Otherwise we would use, e.g.,
% \usepackage[automark,headsepline=2pt,footsepline=1pt]{scrlayer-scrpage}
\ihead{Zadania i rozwiazania}
\pagestyle{scrheadings}% needed, because the default for article is plain



    \newpage\section{rozdzial pierwszy}
    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial pierwszy}
    \newpage\section{rozdzial drugi}
    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial jeden}
    \newpage\section{rozdzial trzeci}

    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial o pierwszym numerze}

As you have used scrextend already, you are not far away from using a KOMA-Script class, because package scrextend was made to bring at least some of the KOMA-Script extensions to the standard classes.

BTW: scrlayer-scrpage can also be used with the standard classes:
\usepackage{inputenc}% inputenc without option makes not sense with LaTeX from 2018/04/01
\usepackage[foot=1.25cm,head=\baselineskip, headheight=12pt, marginparsep=2mm ]{geometry} 

%\usepackage{array}% Useless, because already loaded by tabularx


% Using scrlayer-scrpage instead of fancyhdr.
\ihead{Zadania i rozwiazania}



    \newpage\section{rozdzial pierwszy}
    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial pierwszy}
    \newpage\section{rozdzial drugi}
    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial jeden}
    \newpage\section{rozdzial trzeci}

    \newpage\subsection{podrozdzial o pierwszym numerze}

As you can see, it is almost the same as with a KOMA-Script class. ;-)
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:31 am

Page footer code

Post by ciema7 »

Thanks a lot :)
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