Page LayoutHow to typeset many headings with no bodies? (After about 20 they don't fit on a page, and latex is not creating new)

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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:18 am

How to typeset many headings with no bodies? (After about 20 they don't fit on a page, and latex is not creating new)

Post by lockywolf »

I have a document (I use the 'article' class, but I cannot guarantee that, since the users may override it.), which only consists of headings of various kinds (\chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, god knows which), about 200 of them.

When I compile it with latex (I use lualatex), the result is very creepy, namely, I am getting an empty page, followed by the page that has the first ~20 headings. The last headings are overflowing to the bottom margin (which should only have a page number, or even have nothing), and no new pages are being created, so the rest ~180 headings are lost.

How do I make latex never ever go outside the boxes where it is intended to be? (To avoid inappropriate text in the margins.)
How do I make latex create new pages when they are needed? I cannot overload \section, \subsection, etc, commands, because I can't know in advance what their names are. (Otherwise I could, perhaps, write something like \renewcommand\section{\section\vspace{0.001cm}}, but again, I need a robust solution, which is not based on a pre-computed set of section names, sizes, etc.

My MWE is the following:

Code: Select all


\section{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Good Books [0/33]}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Craft of Text Editing about Emacs}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} The art of Metaobject protocol {\_Art\_of\_the\_Metaobject\_Protocol}{Wikipedia Link}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Link online}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Ilya Prigogine Philosophy of complexity?}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} An Introduction to the Graphic Language: The Vocabulary, Grammatical Construction, Idiomatic Use, and Historical Development, with Special Reference to the Reading of Drawings -- by Gardner Chace}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Getting Things Done}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kernigan-Pike Practice of Programming}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\hfill{}\textsc{hate}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Thomas Hunt Pragmatic Programmer}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} machine learning research blog}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Weinberg The Trouble With Quantum Mechanics}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Elements of Statistical Learning}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Tufte Book on graphs}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} book}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Gabriel Wyner Fluent Forever How To Learn Any Language}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_community\_metaphor} and subbooks}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Immersive Linear Algebra}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Discrete Mathematics Open Book}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Terry Tang Yuan}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} blog}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Gaudi Systems Architecture}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Farnam Street}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_index.html} and subbooks}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Scrum Alliance}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Gippenreiter-2+3}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Tim Murphy's Blog}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Ruth Benedict Chrysanthemum and Sword}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_aw\_sbs\_14\_1/146-9551928-4683768?\_encoding=UTF8\&pd\_rd\_i=1934137170\&pd\_rd\_r=ebc1f528-5232-11e9-a585-0fccb0784f1b\&pd\_rd\_w=gnvYP\&pd\_rd\_wg=V2MnV\&pf\_rd\_p=aae79475-6dc9-4a12-80e8-27b63108fa72\&pf\_rd\_r=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE\&psc=1\&refRID=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE}{Mathematician's Lament}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Tech books}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Lamport Latex}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Spivak, JoyOfTex}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Knuth TeXbook}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} FreeCAD}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} SWIG}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Emacs Lisp}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kernigan-Pike}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Pragmatic Programmer}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} GDB}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} IDA Pro}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Togaf}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Craig Scott CMAKE}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} OpenSCAD}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily DONE} AUCTeX}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily DONE} Magit}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Science Books}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Shen Kolmogorov Komplexity}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Arora-Barak}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Strandh}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kleinberg-Tardos}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sipser Introduction to theory of computation}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Romanyuk}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Papoulis}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Work}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Patents}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} POSA-5}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} MBSA}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} ASML}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Wymore}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Culture}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sources of Chinese Tradition}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Books that `If I have time'}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} The \LaTeX{} Companion by Goossens, Mittelbach}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} \LaTeX{} Web Companion}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Simmons Modern Analysis}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sussman, A computational model of Skill Acquisition}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Julie Sussman, I can read that a traveler's introduction to Chinese}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Michael Kerrisk Linux API}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Acoff-Emery on purposeful systems}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Gabriel Wyner How to learn any language and never forget}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Structure and interpretation of classical mechanics}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Russel/Norvig Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach (STRIPS algorithm)}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Han Abelson Lower Bounds on Information Transfer in Distributed Computations}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Abelson Blown to Bits}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Shirko, Nonlinear Continual Mechanics}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Dougherty Random Processes for Image Processing}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Philosophy}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Proudhon}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Das Kapital}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Wittgenstein}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Zhorzhh Durua ( George Durois?)}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Ludwig von Mises}

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Ijon Tichy
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

How to typeset many headings with no bodies? (After about 20 they don't fit on a page, and latex is not creating new)

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Sections (and also chapters etc.) in LaTeX are designed to not allow page breaks immediately after the title, because this would break typography. Here you've misused sections to something which is more or less a list. And I would really recommend to use nested lists or something similar for it, e.g.

\newlist{todo}{itemize}{4}% you could also depend on enumerate instead of itemize to have numbers
\setlist[todo]{label={TODO},font=\sffamily\bfseries,align=left,labelwidth=*,leftmargin=*}% try also leftmargin=0pt instead of leftmargin=*


\item Good Books [0/33]
\item \href{}{Craft of Text Editing about Emacs}
\item The art of Metaobject protocol \href{\_Art\_of\_the\_Metaobject\_Protocol}{Wikipedia Link}
\item \href{}{Link online}
\item Ilya Prigogine Philosophy of complexity?
\item An Introduction to the Graphic Language: The Vocabulary, Grammatical Construction, Idiomatic Use, and Historical Development, with Special Reference to the Reading of Drawings -- by Gardner Chace
\item Getting Things Done
\item Kernigan-Pike Practice of Programming
\item Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation
\item Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\hfill{}\textsc{hate}
\item Thomas Hunt Pragmatic Programmer
\item machine learning research blog
\item Weinberg The Trouble With Quantum Mechanics
\item Elements of Statistical Learning
\item Tufte Book on graphs
\item book
\item Gabriel Wyner Fluent Forever How To Learn Any Language
\item \url{\_community\_metaphor} and subbooks
\item \url{}
\item \href{}{Immersive Linear Algebra}
\item \href{}{Discrete Mathematics Open Book}
\item Terry Tang Yuan
\item blog
\item \href{}{Gaudi Systems Architecture}
\item Farnam Street
\item \url{\_index.html} and subbooks
\item \href{}{Scrum Alliance}
\item \href{}{Gippenreiter-2+3}
\item \href{}{Tim Murphy's Blog}
\item \href{}{Ruth Benedict Chrysanthemum and Sword}
\item \href{\_aw\_sbs\_14\_1/146-9551928-4683768?\_encoding=UTF8\&pd\_rd\_i=1934137170\&pd\_rd\_r=ebc1f528-5232-11e9-a585-0fccb0784f1b\&pd\_rd\_w=gnvYP\&pd\_rd\_wg=V2MnV\&pf\_rd\_p=aae79475-6dc9-4a12-80e8-27b63108fa72\&pf\_rd\_r=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE\&psc=1\&refRID=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE}{Mathematician's Lament}
\item Tech books
\item Lamport Latex
\item Spivak, JoyOfTex
\item Knuth TeXbook
\item FreeCAD
\item SWIG
\item Emacs Lisp
\item Kernigan-Pike
\item Pragmatic Programmer
\item GDB
\item IDA Pro
\item Togaf
\item Craig Scott CMAKE
\item OpenSCAD
\item[DONE] AUCTeX
\item[DONE] Magit
\item Science Books
\item Shen Kolmogorov Komplexity
\item Arora-Barak
\item Strandh
\item Kleinberg-Tardos
\item Sipser Introduction to theory of computation
\item Romanyuk
\item Papoulis
\item Model Calibration and Parameter
\item Work
\item Patents
\item POSA-5
\item MBSA
\item ASML
\item Wymore
\item Culture
  \item Sources of Chinese Tradition
\item Books that `If I have time'
\item The \LaTeX{} Companion by Goossens, Mittelbach
\item \LaTeX{} Web Companion
\item Simmons Modern Analysis
\item Sussman, A computational model of Skill Acquisition
\item Julie Sussman, I can read that a traveler's introduction to Chinese
\item Michael Kerrisk Linux API
\item Acoff-Emery on purposeful systems
\item Gabriel Wyner How to learn any language and never forget
\item Structure and interpretation of classical mechanics
\item Russel/Norvig Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach (STRIPS algorithm)
\item Han Abelson Lower Bounds on Information Transfer in Distributed Computations
\item Abelson Blown to Bits
\item Shirko, Nonlinear Continual Mechanics
\item Dougherty Random Processes for Image Processing
\item Philosophy
\item Proudhon
\item Das Kapital
\item Wittgenstein
\item Zhorzhh Durua ( George Durois?)
\item Ludwig von Mises
If you really insist in using section commands, that are not made for such a thing, you have to redefine the commands to make page breaks after them possible. For \section till \subsubsection this could be done redefining [cmd]@afterheading[/cmd]:
% This is not recommended, because it can break several things
  \typeout{WARNING: \string\@afterheading\space broken}%
  \@latexerr{ERROR: Cannot patch \string\@afterheading}\@ehd%

\section{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Good Books [0/33]}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Craft of Text Editing about Emacs}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} The art of Metaobject protocol {\_Art\_of\_the\_Metaobject\_Protocol}{Wikipedia Link}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Link online}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Ilya Prigogine Philosophy of complexity?}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} An Introduction to the Graphic Language: The Vocabulary, Grammatical Construction, Idiomatic Use, and Historical Development, with Special Reference to the Reading of Drawings -- by Gardner Chace}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Getting Things Done}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kernigan-Pike Practice of Programming}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\hfill{}\textsc{hate}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Thomas Hunt Pragmatic Programmer}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} machine learning research blog}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Weinberg The Trouble With Quantum Mechanics}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Elements of Statistical Learning}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Tufte Book on graphs}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} book}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Gabriel Wyner Fluent Forever How To Learn Any Language}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_community\_metaphor} and subbooks}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Immersive Linear Algebra}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Discrete Mathematics Open Book}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Terry Tang Yuan}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} blog}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Gaudi Systems Architecture}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Farnam Street}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_index.html} and subbooks}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Scrum Alliance}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Gippenreiter-2+3}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Tim Murphy's Blog}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {}{Ruth Benedict Chrysanthemum and Sword}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} {\_aw\_sbs\_14\_1/146-9551928-4683768?\_encoding=UTF8\&pd\_rd\_i=1934137170\&pd\_rd\_r=ebc1f528-5232-11e9-a585-0fccb0784f1b\&pd\_rd\_w=gnvYP\&pd\_rd\_wg=V2MnV\&pf\_rd\_p=aae79475-6dc9-4a12-80e8-27b63108fa72\&pf\_rd\_r=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE\&psc=1\&refRID=GC659QJ4DRN1YBNG4HZE}{Mathematician's Lament}}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Tech books}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Lamport Latex}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Spivak, JoyOfTex}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Knuth TeXbook}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} FreeCAD}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} SWIG}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Emacs Lisp}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kernigan-Pike}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Pragmatic Programmer}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} GDB}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} IDA Pro}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Togaf}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Craig Scott CMAKE}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} OpenSCAD}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily DONE} AUCTeX}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily DONE} Magit}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Science Books}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Shen Kolmogorov Komplexity}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Arora-Barak}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Strandh}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Kleinberg-Tardos}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sipser Introduction to theory of computation}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Romanyuk}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Papoulis}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Work}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Patents}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} POSA-5}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} MBSA}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} ASML}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Wymore}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Culture}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sources of Chinese Tradition}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Books that `If I have time'}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} The \LaTeX{} Companion by Goossens, Mittelbach}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} \LaTeX{} Web Companion}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Simmons Modern Analysis}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Sussman, A computational model of Skill Acquisition}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Julie Sussman, I can read that a traveler's introduction to Chinese}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Michael Kerrisk Linux API}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Acoff-Emery on purposeful systems}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Gabriel Wyner How to learn any language and never forget}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Structure and interpretation of classical mechanics}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Russel/Norvig Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach (STRIPS algorithm)}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Han Abelson Lower Bounds on Information Transfer in Distributed Computations}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Abelson Blown to Bits}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Shirko, Nonlinear Continual Mechanics}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Dougherty Random Processes for Image Processing}
\subsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Philosophy}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Proudhon}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Das Kapital}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Wittgenstein}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Zhorzhh Durua ( George Durois?)}
\subsubsection{{\bfseries\sffamily TODO} Ludwig von Mises}
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:18 am

How to typeset many headings with no bodies? (After about 20 they don't fit on a page, and latex is not creating new)

Post by lockywolf »

This is wonderful! Works like charm!

As you may have guessed, this list is not written by me, at least not directly. It is generated by Emacs' org-mode from an arbitrary depth nested tree, of which (by default) the first three levels are typeset as headings, whereas the rest is, indeed, typeset as list items. And the arbitrary number 3 is customizable, just as completely unpredictable are the number and contents of those sections (the majority of those will be indeed, empty, but not necessarily, as they may have tables and pictures inside.

As a side-note, I see nothing wrong about breaking a page after a heading, as I almost always view pdfs in a 'continous scroll' mode, and the need for pages only arises when I need to offload or backup some files. Indeed, I probably should have asked how to disable paging completely, but that must be a much harder issue.

Thank you very much any way, this seems to be solving my question.
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Ijon Tichy
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

How to typeset many headings with no bodies? (After about 20 they don't fit on a page, and latex is not creating new)

Post by Ijon Tichy »

lockywolf wrote:I probably should have asked how to disable paging completely, but that must be a much harder issue.
Completely is not possible, but almost is easy. Add, e.g.
to your preamble.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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