1. The Rogue's Gallery
1.1 The Devil
Story 1: The Devil gets tricked by mortals
Story 2: The Devil gets tricked by a smith, twice
Story 3: Curses, foiled again!
1.2 Frau Gauden
Story 4: Frau Gauden throws a half-eaten human leg through a window
Story 5: Frau Gauden rewards a farmhand with dog droppings that turns into gold the next morning
2. The Bestiary
2.1 Dragons
Story 6: Plucky farmers poison a lindwurm that has been eating all the cattle and all those useless armored knights
Story 7: A lindwurm transforms into a giant hoop and chases a farmer after its kid gets accidentally killed
and so forth.
My first attempt to do this was with the chngcntr package. However, using
Code: Select all
Do you have any suggestions for how to proceed?