Page LayoutCustom Cover Page

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Custom Cover Page

Post by PulpFan »

I am not using \maketitle, I am using the following code:

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
% image for title page
\Large Vol. 0 Issue 0
\raggedleft\huge \textit{Stories for Very Hungry Caterpillars\hspace{0.16cm}}
\raggedright \large Published by\\ Very Good Stories
{\scshape\huge Copyright Infringing Prototype \par}
As I currently do not have license to use the image and have the paragraph at the very end, it works.

However if I comment out the note to myself that it is not licensed, as I will do when it is licensed, LaTeX does not seem to see textblock as content for the page with the CoverArt.png and as a result the title page with the CoverArt.png is not typeset and the textblock declarations are typeset on top of the next page, resulting in the content that is suppose to be the second page being the first page.

I'm sure there is a simple solution to this?

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Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:01 pm

Custom Cover Page

Post by PulpFan »

Solved this by adding

Code: Select all

So there's a transparent box on the page and it doesn't need text to use the \AddToShipoutPicture*{} and the manually placed textblock areas.
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