I've followed every thread I can find to implement nomenclature on my elsarticle Latex document using Texstudio, but nothing has worked for me so far. Here's what I have done so far:
% In preamble: \immediate\write18{makeindex \jobname.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o \jobname.nls} \documentclass[review]{elsarticle} \usepackage[intoc]{nomencl} \makenomenclature % In the document: \nomenclature{$a$}{The number of angels per unit area} \printnomenclature
pdflatex "/Users/myname/OneDrive/elsarticle-template/v2 draft".tex makeindex "/Users/myname/OneDrive/elsarticle-template/v2 draft".nlo -s nomencl.ist -o "/Users/myname/OneDrive/elsarticle-template/v2 draft".nls -t %.nlg pdflatex "/Users/myname/OneDrive/elsarticle-template/v2 draft".tex
I have also tried a few times with just the file name, and not the full address. However, absolutely nothing has worked!
I would really appreciate any input on what is wrong in my implementation.
Thanks a lot!