Graphics, Figures & Tablesusing bullets as labels defined by a macro

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using bullets as labels defined by a macro

Post by kent »

I often use PGF to draw geometrical figures and I use to label important points using a macro to add bullets at certain points using their coordinates.
All fine, but I should very much be able to invoke my macro with a predefined list say plist by \mgredbullets[\plist], but I can't get it to work.
I have added a short to-the-point attachment with illustrative code.
\mgredbullets[A,B,C,D] works fine with defined points A, B, C and D, also
\mgredbullets[{A,B,C,D}] works fine as seen in the attachement.
Trying to define the list plist by \newcommand{\plist}{{A,B,C,D}} will make \mgredbullets[\plist] fail.
Anybody who can help?

Best regards,
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Stefan Kottwitz
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using bullets as labels defined by a macro

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Kent,

a quick fix would be expanding the argument before it's applied:


Stefan admin
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