Page LayoutSwitching the margin-size between left and right margin

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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by rbks »

I have the following MWE:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[14pt, extrafontsizes]{memoir}
This produces the following document:

Untitled.png (76.02 KiB) Viewed 8814 times
Now the widest margin is on the right for odd pages and left for even pages. Is there a way to reverse/switch the left-right margins, so the widest margin is on the right for even pages and left on odd pages?

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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by Johannes_B »

But the default you see is the typographical standard and done in every book for decades.

Do you really want to change this?
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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by rbks »

Yes, I need this. The thing is that I'm writing a book in Persian (which is read from right to left), so this change is necessary for my document.

Thanks in advance.
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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by Johannes_B »

But wouldn't the inner side of the book still be the inner side?

EDIT: Crosspost
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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

You can change the margins with the lengths \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin, though using something like the geometry package might be more of what you're looking for. The right margin on each page is implied by the sum of the odd or even side margin and \textwidth.

As other comments have implied, make sure you actually need to do this and that it's a good idea before wading into the innards of the document class.
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Ijon Tichy
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Switching the margin-size between left and right margin

Post by Ijon Tichy »

memoir also provides commands to modify the text area or the margins, aka the page layout. See chapter two in the memoir manual. But before doing so, you should indeed be sure, that there isn't another mistake or misunderstanding or misconception, because with xepersian I cannot reproduce your problem:
\documentclass[14pt, extrafontsizes]{memoir}

\settextfont{XB Niloofar}



\mainmatter% not neeeded

already produces a document with switched margins. Please note: The PDF always contains the pages in reading order not in printing order. So you have to print the document in reverse order.
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