Theses, Books, Title pagesRemove capital letters in bibliography header

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by MemberNo12345 »

Dear forum,

I have the chapter number and title in the header of each page, which looks like this “1 Introduction”.

This works perfectly fine for all chapters of the main body and even the appendix. However, in the bibliography the header is suddenly written in capital letters as follows: “BIBLIOGRAPHY”, even though I would like to have it written in line with all other chapters to state “Bibliography”.

Any help to fix this (rather random) problem would be highly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance.

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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome to the forum, right now, we don't have any clue which document class you are using, nor which bibliography package you are using.
What package you are using for headers would be helpful as well.
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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by MemberNo12345 »

Apologies for the brief description. I am using the Masters/Doctoral Thesis template that I obtained from the following website: ... ral-thesis

Those are my specifications:
(-) documentclass: MastersDoctoralThesis
(-) Bibliography made with Bibtex
(-) package for headers: scrlayer-scrpage (I believe, I just got this info from the .cls file of the thesis and I have not added any additional header packages)

Hope this helps to narrow down the issue and please let me know if you require further information.

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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by Johannes_B »

Can you show a minimal working example? The bibliography header matches the rest of the headers for me. Just made a fresh download of the current version and added \setchapterpagestyle{thesis} to see the header on chapter starting pages.
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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by MemberNo12345 »

Thank you very much for your answer! Unfortunately, this does not solve my problem and I still face this random capitalization of BIBLIOGRAPHY in the header. Please find below the code in my ".cls" file about headers and footers where I only made very slight changes to adjust the positioning of them. I hope this helps.


\ihead{\headmark}% Inner header
\cfoot[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Center footer
\ifoot{}% Inner footer
\ofoot{}% Outer footer
\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
\PreventPackageFromLoading[\ClassError{\classname}{Package `fancyhdr' is
incompatible\MessageBreak with this class}{The pagesyles are defined
using package `scrlayer-scrpage', please consult the\MessageBreak
KOMA-script documentation for details.}]{fancyhdr}

\NewDocumentCommand{\blankpagestyle}{ m }{%
\ClassWarning{\classname}{\string\blankpagestyle\space is
obsolete,\MessageBreak use \string\setblankpagestyle \space instead}\renewcommand{\blank@p@gestyle}{}{#1}
\NewDocumentCommand{\setblankpagestyle}{ m }{\renewcommand{\blank@p@gestyle}{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\setchapterpagestyle}{ m }{\renewcommand{\chapter@p@gestyle}{#1}}

\DeclareDocumentCommand\cleardoublepage{}{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by Johannes_B »

No, not at all, this is not helpful. Please see the license of the class, you are able to make changes in the preamble of the document. The class should not be changed and modified versions are not supported.
Please also have a look at the mdt Quick guide.
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Remove capital letters in bibliography header

Post by Johannes_B »

Is there any news here? Without a minimal working example, i cannot even guess the cause of the behaviour.
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