Code: Select all
\documentclass[envcountsame,envcountsect]{svmono}%%% V 5.6 from
%\def\defAndThmname{Definition und Theorem}\makeatletter\spn@wtheorem{defAndThm}{Definition und Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}\makeatother%%% One way which doesn't work
\spnewtheorem{defAndThm}[theorem]{Definition und Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}%%% Another way which doesn't work.
\crefname{defAndThm}{Def.\ und Thm.}{Defn.\ und Thme.}%%% This is all German; the actual language doesn't matter (yet).
\Crefname{defAndThm}{Definition und Theorem}{Definitionen und Theoreme}
\begin{theorem}[My Theorem]1+1=2\end{theorem}
\begin{defAndThm}[My Definition and Theorem]\label{defAndThm:MyTheorem}A \emph{white} number is any number equaling its square. All white numbers \(x\) satisfy \(x(x-1)=0\).\end{defAndThm}
Let's reference it: \cref{defAndThm:MyTheorem}.
But it better beLet's reference it: theorem 1.2.2.
How to get it with `\cref` from `cleveref` automatically?Let's reference it: Def. und Thm. 1.2.2.
Loading `ntheorem` is unfortunately a no-go (way too antique, way too many bugs). Loading `amsthm` ist also opposed to, especially if you wish to explicitly typeset your own QED symbols that depend on the enclosing environments. In any case, my attempts to solve the problem with any of the two packages failed.
The same question has been opened at,p,106043.html and ... t-cleveref