MiKTeX and proTeXtlmodern: "fonts could not be created"

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lmodern: "fonts could not be created"

Post by barnie »


I'm using MikTeX 2.6 with TeXnicCenter. After installing the lmodern-package I tried to use it. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work. While compiling, pdfTeX tells me:

pdfTeX warning: (file ec-lmri8): Font ec-lmri8 at 600 not found

The file itself exists. So I refreshed the FNDB and updated the Formats, but still the same problem.

Any hints?


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lmodern: "fonts could not be created"

Post by localghost »

lmodern seems to be one of the ec-fonts (see warning). Did you activate the ec-fonts with T1 encoding in your preamble?

Code: Select all

I'm not sure, but that could be the solution to your problem.
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Re: lmodern: "fonts could not be created"

Post by balfonsi »

The latin modern fonts are not part of the ec fonts : they are a re-design and completion of the original computer modern, for use for european languages with diacritics. How did you install them? With MiKTeX's package manager?
If that is the case, it should work. However, you can verify the installation. A manual installation would have consisted of:
1) install the fonts in the adhoc directories; probably this step has been correct;
2) mention the fonts in the updmap.cfg file with the line:
Map lm.map
3)refresh the filename datebase;
4)refresh the files which mention the existence of the fonts and say to dvips and pdftex where to find them (psfonts.map and the like). You just launch updmap.exe in a console and can control the result: you should then have a brand new psfonts.map in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6\dvips\config

Probably it is this step that hasn't been correctly done

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