I have been working on my own header for quite some time for my curriculum vitae with modencv.
Therefore I edited the command \makecvhead. I used the commands directly from moderncvheadii.sty. Nevertheless I get the following error message: "! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \makecvheadpicturebox".
I would also like to insert a footer again, but I can't do that with \makecvfooter.
Here is a (hopefully) minimal working example
\geometry{left=2cm, right=2cm, bottom=1.8cm, top=2cm}
%new header
% commands
% name
{\namefont{\color{firstnamecolor}\@firstname} {\color{familynamecolor}\@lastname}}
\address{Maxstraße 15}{08155 Musterstadt}{}
\email{mustermann.max@alles.tox} %
% content
\section{Personal information}
\cvitem{driving license}{Klasse X}