Conversion ToolsHow do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Information and discussion about output converters related to LaTeX (e.g. dvips, ps2pdf, ...)
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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by joeschmidt »

Is there a way to convert a LaTeX document, either a DVI, PS, or PDF file into a Word Document? I've tried online pdf converters but they do not preserve the equations that I put, and some other programs that claim to do it are not free. I was wondering if it was possible to turn a LaTeX document into a word document such that all the math equations and stuff become images in Microsoft Word???? The text is not so important since I can cut and paste that in.

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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by Keta »

Rather than the output file, you can try to convert the LaTeX source file to Word. I have not tried many converters, but one that works fine is LaTeX-to-Word from GrindEQ. It's not free, but you can try it 10 times. Docx2tex is a free converter prepared for Word 2007, but I don't know if it only converts word documents into LaTeX or also works the other way round. A google search for "latex to word" might provide you more useful links.

If you used basic packages or no packages at all for your LaTeX file you will have more chances that the conversion turns out properly; more esoteric packages make conversion more difficult, I'd say.
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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz » admin
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Re: How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by T3. »

I used latex2rtf and tex4ht. Both should fit your requirements (if you would like editable math, that would be much more difficult).

BTW, please try to follow forum's structure in the future - this topic should be filed under LaTeX's Friends/Conversion Tools.


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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by jdiogenes86 »

PANDOC is great for this. However, if you are not comfortable working at the command-line you can simply use Authorea, which allows you to import LaTeX files and export .docx (Word) and vice versa.
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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by dmaestre »

Good afternoon community.

I have a problem in order to convert Latex txt into a word document. I used latex2rtf but i can't convert. What is the procedure to convert with pandoc?

Do you have any other comments. ???
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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by Brian_D »

I have replied in a new post which summarizes the options as of today, early 2019.
Brian Dunn
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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I convert LaTeX into a Microsoft Word Document?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Thanks Brian!

Here is a link to that post: 2019 options for LaTeX conversion.

Stefan admin
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