Page LayoutFlyer with 4 columns

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Flyer with 4 columns

Post by maiconfr »

Hi everyone,

I need a flyer with 4 columns, and the flux of text must be like in the image below.
First I used the flyer package, but I only get 3 columns when I used.
Second I tried to use flowfram package, it works, but I needed change the order of pages to be the like I desire.
Here is my code using flowfram package:

Code: Select all



\setlength{\mywidth}{\dimexpr \textwidth-0.5\columnsep}
\divide\mywidth by 4

\newflowframe*[1]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 0\mywidth + 0\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[1]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 0.66\mywidth + 1\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[1]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 1.33\mywidth + 2\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[1]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 2\mywidth + 3\columnsep}{0pt}

\newflowframe*[2]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 0.66\mywidth + 1\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[2]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 1.33\mywidth + 2\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[2]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 0\mywidth + 0\columnsep}{0pt}
\newflowframe*[2]{\mywidth}{\textheight}{\dimexpr 2\mywidth + 3\columnsep}{0pt}


	1 page
	2 page
	3 page
	4 page
	5 page
	6 page
	7 page
	8 page

How can I do a layout like the image?
layout.PNG (9.33 KiB) Viewed 2047 times

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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