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template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »


does anybody have a template for a notation tabel? (see pictures)

Last edited by Elmaltus on Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

Here is a quick start:

Code: Select all

\caption{Notation for\ldots}
  Indices \\
  $K$ & Number of ... \\
  $T$ & Number of ... \\
  Parameters \\
  c   & something \\
Stefan admin
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »

Thank you, that helped a lot!
Could you please explain to me how I can adjust the width of each collums? For example the first collum should be 20% of the textwidth...
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Stefan Kottwitz
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Adjust the tabularx line to:

Code: Select all

p{0.2\textwidth} is standard tabular syntax and specifies a column with 20% of the text width.

X is tabularx syntax and specifies a column that fills all available space up to the max we set above (\textwidth).

Stefan admin
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »

Thanks now i got it :)
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »

my notationtable is nearly done but now I don't know how I can fix the following problems:
I just want to move all variable descriptions to the left while the topics (like Parameters: or Decision variables:) can fit a whole row. (see screenshot) And why is there so much Space between Random Variables and BL_kt?
Could you please help me with that?

Thank you!

Code: Select all

      {\ul  Indices: } \\
      $K$ & number of products (k \in\{1,...,K\})  \\ 
      $T$ & number of periods (t \in\{1,...,T\})\\
      {\ul Parameters: } \\
      \delta_k & target δ-service level for product k \\
      \epsilon &  \\
      c_t      & production capacity in period t \\
      c^r_t    & Remanufacturing capacity in period t  \\
      hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
      hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
      oc   & overtime costs per unit   \\
      M_{kt}   & bignumber for product k in period t\\
      pc_{k}   & production cost of product k per unit\\
      pc^r_{k} & remanufacturing cost of product k per unit\\
      sc_{k}   &  setup cost of product k\\
      sc^r_{k} &  setup cost of returned product k\\
      tp_{k}   &  production time for one unit of product k\\
      tp^r_{k} & remanufacturing time for one unit of product k\\
      ts_{k}   & setup time of product k\\
      ts^r_{k} & setup time of returned product k\\
      {\ul Random variables: } \\
      BL_{kt}  & backlog of product k at the end of period t\\
      D_{kt}   & external demand of product k in period t  \\
      I_{kt}   & net inventory of product k at the end of period t  \\
      I^r_{kt} & net inventory of returns of product k at the end of period t  \\
      IP_{kt}   & physical inventory of product k at the end of period t\\
      IP^r_{kt}   & physical inventory of recoverables at the end of period t\\
      R_{kt}   &  returns of product k in period t\\
      SF^r_{kt}   &  Shortfall of recoverables of product k in period t\\
      {\ul Decision variables: } \\
      q_{kt}   &  production quantity of product k in period t\\
      q^r_{kt}   &  remanufacturing quantity of product k in period t  \\
      o_{t}   &  amount of overtime for production in period t  \\
      o^r_{t}   &  amount of overtime for remanufacturing in period t\\
     % \gamma_{kt}   &   binary setup indicator for production of product k in period t\\
     % \gamma^r_{kt}   &  binary setup variable for remanufactured product k in period t\\
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template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »

Okay I fixed the layout problems myself. But I don't know why the table moves to the end of my document when I add two more rows. (see pictures) There should be enough space for two more rows but it still is not on the right spot.
Any Ideas what I can do?

Code: Select all

\caption{Notation des SCLSP-RM\textsuperscript{gen} Modells nach Sahling et all.(2016)}
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Indices:}}                                       \\
  $K$ & number of products (k \in\{1,...,K\})  \\ 
  $T$ & number of periods (t \in\{1,...,T\})\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Parameters:}}                                       \\  
  \delta_k & target δ-service level for product k \\
  \epsilon &  \\
  c_t      & production capacity in period t \\
  c^r_t    & Remanufacturing capacity in period t  \\
  hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
  hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
  oc   & overtime costs per unit   \\
  M_{kt}   & bignumber for product k in period t\\
  pc_{k}   & production cost of product k per unit\\
  pc^r_{k} & remanufacturing cost of product k per unit\\
  sc_{k}   &  setup cost of product k\\
  sc^r_{k} &  setup cost of returned product k\\
  tp_{k}   &  production time for one unit of product k\\
  tp^r_{k} & remanufacturing time for one unit of product k\\
  ts_{k}   & setup time of product k\\
  ts^r_{k} & setup time of returned product k\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Random variables:}}                                       \\ 
  BL_{kt}  & backlog of product k at the end of period t\\
  D_{kt}   & external demand of product k in period t  \\
  I_{kt}   & net inventory of product k at the end of period t  \\
  I^r_{kt} & net inventory of returns of product k at the end of period t  \\
  IP_{kt}   & physical inventory of product k at the end of period t\\
  IP^r_{kt}   & physical inventory of recoverables at the end of period t\\
  R_{kt}   &  returns of product k in period t\\
  SF^r_{kt}   &  Shortfall of recoverables of product k in period t\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Decision variables:}}                                       \\
  q_{kt}   &  production quantity of product k in period t\\
  q^r_{kt}   &  remanufacturing quantity of product k in period t  \\
  o_{t}   &  amount of overtime for production in period t  \\
  o^r_{t}   &  amount of overtime for remanufacturing in period t\\
 % \gamma_{kt}   &   binary setup indicator for production of product k in period t\\
 % \gamma^r_{kt}   &  binary setup variable for remanufactured product k in period t\\
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2.PNG (54.42 KiB) Viewed 87075 times
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Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:48 pm

template for a notation tabel

Post by Elmaltus »

Okay I fixed the layout problems myself. But I don't know why the table moves to the end of my document when I add two more rows. (see pictures) There should be enough space for two more rows but it still is not on the right spot.
Any Ideas what I can do?

Code: Select all

\caption{Notation des SCLSP-RM\textsuperscript{gen} Modells nach Sahling et all.(2016)}
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Indices:}}                                       \\
  $K$ & number of products (k \in\{1,...,K\})  \\ 
  $T$ & number of periods (t \in\{1,...,T\})\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Parameters:}}                                       \\  
  \delta_k & target δ-service level for product k \\
  \epsilon &  \\
  c_t      & production capacity in period t \\
  c^r_t    & Remanufacturing capacity in period t  \\
  hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
  hc_k     & holding cost of product k per unit and period   \\
  oc   & overtime costs per unit   \\
  M_{kt}   & bignumber for product k in period t\\
  pc_{k}   & production cost of product k per unit\\
  pc^r_{k} & remanufacturing cost of product k per unit\\
  sc_{k}   &  setup cost of product k\\
  sc^r_{k} &  setup cost of returned product k\\
  tp_{k}   &  production time for one unit of product k\\
  tp^r_{k} & remanufacturing time for one unit of product k\\
  ts_{k}   & setup time of product k\\
  ts^r_{k} & setup time of returned product k\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Random variables:}}                                       \\ 
  BL_{kt}  & backlog of product k at the end of period t\\
  D_{kt}   & external demand of product k in period t  \\
  I_{kt}   & net inventory of product k at the end of period t  \\
  I^r_{kt} & net inventory of returns of product k at the end of period t  \\
  IP_{kt}   & physical inventory of product k at the end of period t\\
  IP^r_{kt}   & physical inventory of recoverables at the end of period t\\
  R_{kt}   &  returns of product k in period t\\
  SF^r_{kt}   &  Shortfall of recoverables of product k in period t\\
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\ul Decision variables:}}                                       \\
  q_{kt}   &  production quantity of product k in period t\\
  q^r_{kt}   &  remanufacturing quantity of product k in period t  \\
  o_{t}   &  amount of overtime for production in period t  \\
  o^r_{t}   &  amount of overtime for remanufacturing in period t\\
 % \gamma_{kt}   &   binary setup indicator for production of product k in period t\\
 % \gamma^r_{kt}   &  binary setup variable for remanufactured product k in period t\\
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