Page LayoutRemoving "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by philiprw »

Hi all,

At the moment I am using the following thesis template ... yccpsbqrcj

At the start of every chapter, the page wil show "Chapter + Chap.number".
Below it will show the actual name of the chapter.
Below that it will show the section, and eventually the content.

My question is: how do i remove the "Chapter + Chap.number" from the page, without further messing up the format.
The page should then start with the name I gave the chapter.

Hopefully someone knows how to solve this problem!
Thanks in advance,

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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by Johannes_B »

Oh no oh no no, the madness continues.

The template you want to use is probably what the university requires, so there is no point in modifying anything.

If you are not related to that university, do not use this template.
If you are looking for a thesis template, check out what the template claims to be based on on It got several updates over the years as the original was very very badly designed.

Or even better, don't use a ready-to-use template. You need to learn what the template provides on top of the LaTeX basics.

You should have a look at Scientific reports.
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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by philiprw »

Hi Johannes_B,

Thanks for the reply, apparently i'm doing something very foolish! ;)
I have written multiple essays in latex but definitely still no expert, so these "fancy" looking templates seem like an ideal solution.

However I do see where you're coming from, these issues always arise with other people's work :roll: .

But as a last tip, if I really do not want to completely build up my own layout, are the templates on any better than those on overleaf?

For those who have the same question as I had, (thanks to Johannes's directions) I found the answer at an older topic:

To adjust the chapter headings you need to use the titlesec package. Here's an example that, once you put it into your preamble, will remove the Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc text:

Code: Select all


Thanks again!
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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by Johannes_B »

You can have a look at and ...

Though the mastersdoctoralthesis template was updated in is in a fairly up-to-date state .... there is aboslutely no reason to use it. It doesn't do anything useful at all.

It provides an option though, that places the chapter number next to the title and leaving out the word chapter. But if i understoof you correctly, you want to omit the number as well. Which is a little bit strange.
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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by Lorrane Lopes »

Eu tive muita dificuldade para encontrar este modelo pronto, portanto, adaptei este. Espero ajudar as pessoas que se depararem com essa questão.
I had a hard time finding this model ready, so I adapted this one. I hope to help people who come across this issue.

Code: Select all


	\renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{ }
	\renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter}
	\renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{. }

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Removing "Chapter 1" at the start of a chapter

Post by Johannes_B »

This solution is incompatible with the class the OP is using. It probably works with the memoir class though.
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