is there a way to customize the \Rightarrow and \Leftrightarrow to match with my customized rightarrow? As you can see the rightarrow between A and B is perfect. But the other two arrows are not.
Code: Select all
\cs_set:Npn \__mhchem_arrow_options_minLength:n { {1.1em} }
\mhchemoptions{arrows=pgf{Straight Barb[round, angle=60:1.5pt 3]}{0.1ex}}
I have these:
\ce{A -> B} \qquad C $\Rightarrow$ D \qquad E $\Leftrightarrow$ F}
My MWE: \colorbox{green}{G \raisebox {0.35ex} {\tikz{\draw [double equal sign distance, -{Straight Barb[round, angle=60:1.5pt 1]}] (0,0) --++ (0.3,0)}} H}