Ok, I changed that but there are some more problems:
FIrstly, I don't like how Chapter 1 is above word introduction:
I would prefer it to be in one line: "Chapter 1: Introduction".
Also I want to change how it is presented in ToC. I want it so say "Chapter 1: Introduction" ............. 1.
Also, changing the document class also changed the table of contents look. I prefer how it looks on this picture:
Here's the code I am actually using:
Code: Select all
\usepackage[a4paper, left=20mm, right=20mm, top=20mm]{geometry}
\rhead{ }
\lhead{ }
\lhead{Chapter 1: Introduction}
\subsection{Introductory Note}
Test test bla bla bla bla bla bla blfwefmwefqermqfermfje n rnjnjfnj fnjnj nja fnejjna njnja nj anjnj nj nj vanjvnja njvnj venjvenj nj evnjnj eanjvnjnjve njvenjvnejjnevnjwerlnfwlefrefe
\subsection{Perforated Foundations}
\subsection{Perforation Ratio}
\subsection{Soil Behaviour}
\subsection{Aims of the Project}
\section{Obtaining Vertical Bearing Capacity for Benchmark Cases}