Page Layout"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Eibur »

I am using the "Masters/Doctoral Thesis" template and I have an abstract that ist longer than on page. What happens in the pdf is that the header moves to the bottom of one page and then on the next page the abstract begins which looks quite weird. I guess this is some vertical alignment? Could someone help me to change it so the header is at the top of the page and the abstract follows? The Code for the environment is:

Code: Select all

\DeclareDocumentEnvironment{abstract}{ O{} }{%
		{\chapteralign\normalsize\abstractauthorfont \authorname \par}% Author name
		{\chapteralign\parbox{.7\linewidth}{\chapteralign\normalsize\itshape\abstracttitlefont\@title}\par}% Thesis title
(Or just have a look for the template "Masters/Doctoral Thesis").

Thank you in advance,

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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Johannes_B » ... -next-page

By the way, the code you are showing is completely useless. It has nothing to do with the problem.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

To cite the relevant part (in case the external link changes):
The title of the abstract is at the bottom and the content on the next page

The abstract is flushed to the bottom om the page. If you don't want that, you can use \begin{abstract}[] (note the empty pair of brackets).

Note: This will not happen with the consistentlayout option.

Hint: Abstracts should be reasonably short.
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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Eibur »

Thank you both for your quick response! It works well now. I am still quite unexperienced with Latex so I did not know where my problem was in the code. If it is not too much, could you explain why that solves it? Or point me to the right documentation?

Thanks again,
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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Johannes_B »

The original template has the abstract centered vertically on the page, which leads to the problem you encountered when the abstract is too long.

Adding the optional argument (even if left empty) keeps avoiding the vertical centering.

There is no official documentation, just the quick guide on github.
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"Master/Doctoral Thesis" template abstract vertical alignment

Post by Eibur »

Ah okay, thank you again. This helped me a lot.
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