I'm super new to the programm and struggel now since a while to set up a template for my masterthesis.
I got the MacTex Version from 2016 since I only have Mac OS X Snow Leopard on my computer. I got the package apacite, which shall have the nice feature of an author index. However I am not able to print the index with this setup:
Code: Select all
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{article}
\title{Citation Tests}
\date{September 6, 2018}
bli \shortcite[p.22]{cadsby2007}
bla \shortcite{abeler2011}
while \citeA{yellen2011} is not able to support x
if one compares however those results with the one of Abeler \citeyear<see>[p.23]{abeler2011} this does not hold
\nocite{burtless1986} % do * for all
This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2016] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning input file APAcitetest.idx...done (0 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Nothing written in APAcitetest.ind.
Transcript written in APAcitetest.ilg.
Creating a normal index with \index and \printindex is not a problem.
I ran LaTex, BibTex, LaTex twice, MakeIndex and then LaTex again. As far as I figured by the given pdf of the apacite package I need to give the command makeindex -o APAcitetest.and APAcitetest.adx in the terminal (I guess). This led me to the problem of the security setting openout_any = p
The Terminal gives me:
makeindex: Not writing to /Users/vcausemann/Desktop/APAcitetest/APAcitetest.and (openout_any = p).
Can't create output index file /Users/vcausemann/Desktop/APAcitetest/APAcitetest.and.
So I tried to change the setting to openout_any = r which led me to
usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf.cnf openout_any = r
-bash: /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf.cnf: Permission denied
So I logged in sudo nano (as well as others), but could not find the part where I could change the openout_any option. In general people wrote one should search through the pages to find it, I get however only one page looking like this:
Code: Select all
% (Public domain.)
% This texmf.cnf file should contain only your personal changes from the
% original texmf.cnf (for example, as chosen in the installer).
% That is, if you need to make changes to texmf.cnf, put your custom
% settings in this file, which is .../texlive/YYYY/texmf.cnf, rather than
% the distributed file (which is .../texlive/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf).
% And include *only* your changed values, not a copy of the whole thing!
TEXMFHOME = ~/Library/texmf
TEXMFVAR = ~/Library/texlive/2016/texmf-var
TEXMFCONFIG = ~/Library/texlive/2016/texmf-config
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